Helping you recover fair compensation for your injuries so you can focus on getting better.

Should You Get Personal Injury Protection Insurance On Your Auto Policy In Baltimore?

Insurance policies and coverage can be hard to decode. What kind of coverage do you need? Are you paying for something that isn’t worth it? At Rafael Law, LLC, I help Baltimore drivers understand personal injury protection insurance and decide if it’s the right option for their needs.

Understanding Maryland Personal Injury Protection Insurance

Personal injury protection insurance (PIP) is a type of optional, no-fault auto insurance. Drivers can purchase PIP to receive financial assistance if they get in a car accident. PIP can provide coverage for costs related to the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Vehicle repairs or replacement
  • Lost wages
  • Funeral expenses

Coverage is provided regardless of whether the policyholder was at fault in the accident. Drivers can generally choose coverage amounts ranging from $2,500 to $5,000.

Should Maryland Drivers Have PIP?

My clients frequently ask me about PIP. What is it? Should they have it? If so, why is it so important? I always tell them that there’s no harm in having this coverage. But if they don’t have it, they’re missing out on funds that could help them recover from a car accident.

Many people waive their PIP coverage because they think their premiums will increase if they use it after a crash. But this isn’t true. Of course, insurance companies would prefer drivers waive PIP coverage because it lets them off the hook. It can be tempting to forgo this coverage and save a bit on your premium, but investing in a rainy-day fund is well worth it.

Schedule A Consult To Discuss PIP And Your Specific Concerns Today

If you have questions about PIP insurance or a personal injury law issue, contact Rafael Law, LLC. I am an experienced Baltimore car accident lawyer who can help you find the answers you need. To schedule a free initial consultation, call my office at 410-204-5411 or request an appointment online.