Helping those in my community recover fair and reasonable compensation for their injuries, so they can focus on getting better and looking to the future.

Frequently Asked Questions About Baltimore Truck Accidents

Rafael Law, LLC, I always aim to help truck accident victims better understand what is happening. I am personal injury attorney Elan Rafael, and below are answers to some of the most common questions I receive.

Is it true that parties other than the driver could be responsible for my truck accident injuries?

Absolutely. The trucking company is generally responsible for the actions of its drivers, even when the drivers make mistakes. If mechanical failures contributed to the wreck, then the truck’s manufacturer, a part manufacturer or even a repair company might also be responsible. If a shifting load led to the wreck, then the cargo loader may be another party to your claim. It takes significant legal skill and experience to understand where liability might lay.

Why are truck accidents typically more dangerous than car accidents?

It all comes down to the sheer size and volume of the average semi truck compared with the average passenger vehicle. A typical passenger car might weigh between 3,000 pounds and 4,000 pounds while a fully loaded semi can weigh well over 80,000 pounds. That disparity in size and weight generally means that – for the occupants of any passenger vehicle involved – an accident can lead to devastating injuries.

What types of compensation can I recover for my truck accident injuries?

You can generally recover three types of compensation:

  • Economic damages: These include medical bills, future medical bills, lost wages, the value of your lost services to your family, property damage and other tangible losses.
  • Noneconomic damages: These reference your pain and suffering, emotional damage and lost quality of life.
  • Punitive damages: These are seldom awarded, but they are designed to punish a defendant for bad behavior, when applicable.

One of the key roles that a truck accident lawyer fulfills is making certain that victims are fairly compensated.

The insurance company offered me a settlement. Do I really need a lawyer?

Yes, you do. Insurance companies want to close claims for the minimum dollar amount possible. If it’s making a settlement offer, then you can just about bet that your claim is actually worth a lot more.